Road to GDC Triple-A Gaming While Blind

When I joined EA again in 2013 as a Madden NFL photographs developer, every Raiders fan turned eager to get their palms on the following sport inside the franchise. Everyone except my buddy, who was legally blind. He informed me that he couldn’t play Madden NFL anymore. The transfer to 1080p high-definition pics meant that every in-game icon was too small for his eyes to observe the game. I promised him then that I would strive to repair the hassle.

I saw my threat when the sports studio had an internal game jam in 2014, in which I submitted a “Madden Game Accessibility” entry. I included non-compulsory icon growth, brightness and comparison controls, and colorblind aid. My friends voted for me to pitch my ideas to executives, dumbfounded that we weren’t already offering these capabilities. And Madden NFL 17 gained its first set of accessibility capabilities (covered in GDC’s 2017 talk Practical Visual Fixes from EA’s Madden NFL Franchise).

I created AccessibilityFeedback@ea.Com and the Twitter account ea_accessible to collect feedback for future planning. I elevated to cover any EA product and bypassed all feedback returned to groups. This endorsed communities to reach out and voice their desires.


Numerous blind gamers contacted me and invited me to participate in their gaming forum, audiogames.Net. Several of them were already trying to play Madden NFL video games. However, they had been running into trouble with various recreation mechanics, which included kicking the ball using a visual meter. Any skepticism they had about me turned into warranted. There are over 1 / 4 of a thousand million individuals who are visually disabled, but they’re the most neglected institution in the sports enterprise.

As it grew to become out, blind gamers have been gambling Madden NFL for years, but their experience has progressively degraded. They ought not to reliably kick the ball because it uses a visible meter instead of an easy stick flick. They could no longer use advised performs because the verbal description for performs had been removed. They had no way to understand while the ball left the quarterback’s arms, which made the new catching and blockading mechanisms out in their attain.

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