Addressing A number of the Conspiracies Concerning My (Hillary Clinton’s) Health

Hillary Clinton’s campaign, responding to huge political stress after she needed to be helped into a van on Sunday—and after waiting hours before explaining that she had become affected by pneumonia—stated Monday that it might launch greater clinical records approximately this week. —The Times.

Tightness in Chest

Again, while it became clear that Bernie Sanders might be an extreme contender in the Democratic primaries, I sensed a tightness in my chest. Initially, I thought it became the most effective heartburn; however, now I suppose it’s stress. Now, it’s not that I felt mentally or emotionally burdened; I thrived on the respectful discourse that Senator Sanders incited. I used to be so inspired to see the number of younger human beings he energized. However, Donald Trump became a presidential candidate, and I think my body internalized many things.



At one checkup, my docs considered the possibility that I was stricken by Intake or a few other Victorian fevers. Still, they realized my stylist had overdone it with the blush for a Television look.

Choking on a Pretzel

I am humiliated to mention that I choked on a pretzel from giggling so much once I heard President George W. Bush had choked on a pretzel. I now understand that it wasn’t that funny.

Double Vision

It’s far widely recognized that in 2012 and early 2013, after fainting and sustaining a concussion, I, in brief, suffered from double Vision. I idea that possibly my double Vision had earlier this month again, but then I found out that I was looking at a picture of Donald Trump after a shriveled, lint-blanketed marshmallow circus peanut.

Minor “Stroke”

I had a minor stroke when I decided to apply for a non-public 1ec5f5ec77c51a968271b2ca9862907d server when I used to be Secretary of State! No longer, actually—I am making a bit of a joke. Strokes are an extreme Health issue, and I have never had one. Speakme of jokes: the bowled-over face I made at a campaign stop earlier this year, which a few bloggers have speculated become me having a seizure, is just a chunk I do with Invoice each time he offers to take out the trash. The conceit of this bit is that I am so surprised that Bill is offering to assist, and it shocks my gadget into complete neurological disintegration.


Franklin Delano Roosevelt became one of our greatest Presidents, and I am very proud to mention that, like him, I battled polio. Polio is preventable Through vaccines, but unfortunately, there’s no therapy. However, through sheer tenacity, the pressure of will, and smart negotiating abilities, I managed to cure myself of polio. I promise to apply those same strategies to defeat ISIS and eliminate earnings inequality.

Explorer. Beer trailblazer. Zombie expert. Internet lover. Unapologetic introvert. Alcohol fanatic. Tv ninja.Once had a dream of buying and selling sauerkraut in Ohio. Practiced in the art of building crickets in Nigeria. Gifted in donating wooden tops in Fort Walton Beach, FL. Spent 2001-2007 testing the market for corncob pipes for no pay. A real dynamo when it comes to managing catfish in Jacksonville, FL. Spent a year investing in yard waste for farmers.

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