After Frustrating Officiala s,Longtime U.N. Blogger Has His Access Curtailed

UNITED NATIONS—The seats for the daily midday press briefings right here aren’t assigned, but everyone is aware of who has a claim to the front-row chair on the long way left.

Matthew Lee, 50, is a gadfly who has long covered the United Nations. Mr. Lee has fanatics and detractors — some name him a challenging, in-your-face questioner; others call him a loose cannon who makes it nearly impossible for other journalists to invite questions. Addcrazy

In both manners, he elicits passion.

Ten years ago, Mr. Lee received a coveted slot as an early blogger at the United Nations, earning him an open work area and a press bypass granting broad access to the organization’s complicated. Over time, he has asked plenty of provocative questions of the enterprise’s officers. He has used a wild tabloid style in running a blog about perceived corruption and an inner United Nations audit related to a bribery scheme.


Even though his blog,, wields little influence outside the partitions of the United Nations and isn’t reputable by many of his fellow reporters, Mr. Lee has turned out to be a debatable figure among business enterprise officials for his inflammatory posts, his obsessive claims of wrongdoing and a combative fashion that has triggered Stefan Dujarric, the spokesman for the United Nations secretary-general, to occasionally cut brief briefings after barrages of questions from Mr. Lee, which every so often has left other newshounds grumbling.

After years of frustration, the United Nations seems to have had enough. Mr. Lee turned disciplined after refusing to leave a January meeting by using his colleagues inside the United Nations press briefing room. He confirmed that he was uninvited and commenced posting on Twitter and staying-streaming the collection, putting off an argument among Mr. Lee and United Nations press staff contributors and security officers. People lately cleaned out his office on the path of Cristina Wallace, the head of the United Nations Public family members branch and a target of Mr. Lee’s wrath. The United Nations also revoked his resident correspondent reputation and granted to approximately two hundred newshounds who frequently cowl the corporation.

Considering then, Mr. Lee has been operating using day-by-day passes given to visiting reporters.

He referred to as the downgrading, tried to censor him, and accused United Nations officials of siding with newshounds who disliked him. He also stated that the move turned into retaliation for his critical insurance of the secretary, Ban Kimono. “That is a totalitarian United States solution,” he said. “You ask the incorrect query, and they flip towards you and turn the media in opposition.”

Some fellow reporters called Mr. Lee’s reaction typical of his overstatements and said he had a persecution complex. However, Mr. Lee claimed he had changed into being kept from doing his paintings. He said he has difficulty getting into some events and ought to be escorted using a press office respectable in regions beyond those allowed by his daily credentials. The presence of a “minder,” he said, deters resources from talking with him.

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