Frostburg Nation Violated Title IX, Education Dept. Unearths

In Maryland, Frostburg Nation University violated the federal gender-equity law called Identify IX in its handling of sexual violence cases, the U.S. Branch of Education’s Office for Civil Rights announced on Friday in a news release. After prolonged research, the Office determined that Frostburg State had not responded directly to lawsuits, such as an alleged sexual assault, and did not cease sexually hostile surroundings for two college students, the release stated. In a number of the Workplace’s many findings, the investigation found that incidents off-campus or involving nonstudent victims or perpetrators had not been thoroughly investigated or, in a few cases, surveyed in any respect.

The Department additionally discovered that five College regulations meant to respond to complaints of sexual harassment or sexual violence did now not comply with Name IX. Even as the University’s new Title IX policy was instituted this year, modifications were made that introduced Frostburg Kingdom into compliance with Name IX’s procedural necessities, and issues persist. In a resolution agreement with the Department, the College will reimburse complainants whose reports of sexual misconduct had been now not dealt with promptly for counseling.

The College may also solve shortcomings identified through the Branch at some stage in the research and will now offer both parties involved a written note of the outcomes of court cases. In a written announcement, Frostburg Country said it had agreed to take such steps; however, it changed into “n” t admitting that it isn’t compliant” “with Title IX. The College delivered that it had “c” operated fully” “with the inquiry and outlined several of the processes it had put in the vicinity to prevent sexual violence.

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