Historic silver tankard found at the internet

William Allen Hart, who was part of the membership through a golden era at the top of the nineteenth century, acquired the inscribed pint mug from his team friends as a marriage gift in 1899.

It becomes at a time when “Slogger” Hart’s playing days have been reaching a stop, and as the widower changes into marrying for the second time at the age of forty-six, Do Enjoy Life.

The tough-hitting tanker, who farmed at Edwardstone, joined the membership committee that noticed it increased its gift ground in 1892. His matches for the club covered furniture with the MCC.

Reports that online £ 45 bids had been being hunted for a replica of the club’s 200th-anniversary history e-book, written in 1987, have sparked an investigation into his records.


Louis Brooks, membership chairman, defined: “We were greatly surprised when the tankard got here up online for £500. It changed into being offered with the aid of a dealer, who offered it these days at a Suffolk auction.”

He said three individuals had saved money to buy the tankard, which he was hoping could be used as a trophy for people making unique efforts to assist the club.

Mr. Brooks said that at a club dinner in 1936, Hart was remembered in a speech by then-president Frank Nott. He defined the overdue farmer as the most satisfactory “slogger” he had ever seen.

The 19th-century cricketer’s father, Jeremiah Kerr Hart, was born in Edwardstone in 1815. He became an Inland revenue officer. He married at South Shields in 1842, and among his six kids was William Allen Hart, born in Kilmarnock in 1853.

In his early 20s, William Allen Hart and his younger brother Henry moved to work with their second cousin William Hart at 160-acre The Willows, Edwardstone.

William died in 1874, and although he had a daughter, the cricketer took over the running of the farm. Henry also farmed at Boxford and ultimately died in 1938, aged 84.


William Allen Hart married Elizabeth Mary Machin in 1881. However, she died in 1892 while having their first baby. The offspring died inside a quick time.

In 1899, Hart married Edith Parsons of the Firs, Boxford, who became 20 years his junior. The couple was in London, while the thbutificates stated he became married in Marylebone.

They had a daughter, Eileen, who turned thirteen, while her father died, elderly sixty-three, in 1916. His final cope with changed into given as Boser residence Farm, Boxford.

In 1924, daughter Eileen (1903-1991) married Arthur Ronald Byham (1904-1955), and at one time, they lived in Chilton.

Their son Ronald Roy Byham (1925-2004), a using instructor, married Sylvia (nee Parker) in 1950, and they became a district councilor and mayor of Sudbury, demise remaining year.

One of her sons, David Byham, a great-grandson of the cricketer, lives locally at Long Melford. He stated: “I was aware there have been distant spouses and children by way of the name of Hart; however, I had now not formerly heard of the cricket connection.”

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