Blogger Critical Of Marshall Presentation

A well-known political blogger says a collective gasp went up at Memorial University closing week as Nalcor CEO Stan Marshall indicated that humans fail to see the “massive picture” about Muskrat Falls.

Des Sullivan, the writer of the Uncle Gnarley weblog, was in attendance. He instructed VOCM Open Line with Paddy Daly that Marshall contends that people don’t see the massive picture of Muskrat Falls and can only search at its factory parts.

Marshall referenced that humans complain about strength at 17 cents a kWh, while Ontarians receive energy at “Muskrat prices.” Sullivan says that’s no longer an honest assessment.

He says residents in Ontario get huge damage via cheap herbal fuel, which means they’re much less reliant on using hydro energy for heating. Sullivan says not handiest that, but obscured in the narrative became what he calls in his weblog “the mom of all records.”

He says every kWh will cost 17. Forty-two cents. However, Marshall “glossed over” the reality that we simply need 19 percent of the strength, which means ratepayers can pay the equivalent of ninety-two cents a kWh. Exporting the electricity will best fetch cents a kWh.


If you are a WordPress blogger, you need to have a plan to back up your blog(s)—the backup needs to encompass the database and all the WordPress folders and documents.

There are many selections to be made to do this. Some areas are expensive, and others are free. Some work, some do not. Some backup just certain things, but not the whole thing.

The Duplicator plugin proved to be a lifesaver for me in April 2014. I have been using it since then, and it’s a first-class tool for using WordPress. It’s also 100% free, although they also have a paid version.


This is what occurred to me in April of 2014.

I had one hundred WordPress blogs spread over two domains (50 on every). Each domain name was hacked around April 25, 2014, and everything was destroyed/deleted. This comes from an authentic hosting corporation. When I realized something had come about, the web hosting agency became referred to to find out what was happening. I will not reveal the agency’s call. However, I will never use them again or even advise them.

They informed me that my domain names had, in truth, been hacked. After a few hours had passed, they sent me an electronic mail declaring that they’d a backup and would repair them. Again, this becomes a completely legitimate hosting business enterprise.

They despatched me another email after the repair was completed, and the whole lot appeared to be back up and functioning. All of my one hundred blogs were returned up and functioning once more.

Two days later, the same issue passed off once more. Every blog on every domain has been trashed once more. As soon as I found out there was another serious trouble, I referred the issue to the hosting organization and informed them what happened. Again, this comes from a legitimate website hosting company.

Explorer. Beer trailblazer. Zombie expert. Internet lover. Unapologetic introvert. Alcohol fanatic. Tv ninja.Once had a dream of buying and selling sauerkraut in Ohio. Practiced in the art of building crickets in Nigeria. Gifted in donating wooden tops in Fort Walton Beach, FL. Spent 2001-2007 testing the market for corncob pipes for no pay. A real dynamo when it comes to managing catfish in Jacksonville, FL. Spent a year investing in yard waste for farmers.

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